Benefits Of The Kiwifruit

benefits of kiwi

There has been one fruit that has been growing in popularity lately and that is the kiwi or kiwi fruit. In fact, the kiwi has been shown to provide so many health benefits that it is being touted as a super fruit.

The thing is, not many people have actually eaten the kiwi fruit before. It can be rather difficult to find in some countries despite its growing popularity.

Not too worry.

You will be well versed in the health benefits that this fruit can provide and might even be tempted to order some online.

Origins Of The Kiwifruit?

If you think that this fruit originated from New Zealand because it is named after their national icon, you are only partially right.

The kiwi actually originated from China and it was originally known as the ‘Chinese Gooseberry’. This fruit has a long history as well being known to have been discovered as early as the 12th century in China.

A New Zealand school principal by the name of Isabel Fraser brought some kiwi seeds back to New Zealand in the early 20th century.

It became popular with the soldiers stationed there during WWII who started importing the fruit back to their countries, namely UK and USA.

The Chinese gooseberry was later renamed as the ‘kiwi’ as it sort of resembled the bird which is also small and brown, just like the fruit.

Why Is The Kiwifruit So Healthy?

Kiwifruit consumption brings a lot of good stuff for the body like vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and minerals. One kiwi fruit contains two times the amount of vitamin c than you would find in oranges or 92.7mg of vitamin c per 100g to be exact.

By eating one kiwi a day, you are more than able to hit your vitamin c requirements. This is important for humans as we are not able to synthesize vitamin c which helps to keep us healthy.

One kiwi has just as much potassium as a banana which is the go-to fruit for your potassium needs.

Some fruits can be high in calories but not the amazing kiwi.

One serving of the kiwifruit only contains 50 calories and has three times less sugar than an apple. On top of this, it is also packed with fiber content which helps regulate bowel movements.

Eat The Seeds

Interestingly enough, the seeds of the kiwifruit are also very healthy. The seeds contain protein, fiber, antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acid which is a healthy type of monosaturated fat that can also be found in fish oil.

So don’t discard the seeds of the kiwifruit or you will be throwing away all the healthy nutrients as well.

Health Benefits Of The Kiwi

Now that we know how richly packed the kiwifruit is with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, what health benefits can you get from eating this super fruit.

Help To Treat Asthma

The high levels of antioxidants and vitamin c in the kiwi has been known to help people with asthma. One study has discovered that eating fresh fruit rich in these properties can improve lung function by reducing inflammation in the respiratory system.

Better Heart Health

Eating kiwi can help to lower your blood pressure. Being so dense in vitamin c, it can mitigate the risk of stroke and cardiovascular or heart disease.

Helps You Sleep Better

Seratonin is a hormone that aids in the production of melatonin to help you sleep better at night. Studies have found that eating one to two kiwis before bedtime promotes better and deeper sleep during the night.

Promotes Better Skin And Hair

Kiwis are high in vitamin C which helps in the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is a nutrient that is beneficial for our skin and hair as it helps to keep them firm and youthful looking.

Weight Management

The one typical piece of advice that you get all the time when attempting a diet is to eat more fruit and vegetables.

This is true to an extent as these food types make better substitutes for unhealthy processed food potato chips.

However, many people don’t realise that not all fruits are made equal when it comes to calorie content.

Fruits like avocados, bananas and prunes are very dense in calories and can hinder your diet instead of helping. Compared to a kiwi that has only 50 calories per serving, it is definitely a healthier choice.

Promotes Blood Clotting

Eating kiwi provides a good amount of vitamin k which is a vitamin that is often neglected by many. Vitamin K helps our blood to clot to prevent excessive bleeding. Excess loss of blood can be fatal.

Promotes Better Bowel Movements

Having a regular bowel movement is important. No one likes being clogged up for a few days. It makes you feel sluggish and irritable.

The kiwi has a very high fiber content compared to many fruits. In fact, a kiwi has 25% more dietary fiber than an apple.

Imagine that.

Consume more kiwis on a daily basis to improve your gut function and prevent constipation.

Better Immune System

Your immune system acts as a defence system against illness and diseases. Developing a strong and robust immune system is key to having a long and healthy life as it reduces the risk of getting sick

One important aspect of improving your immune function is vitamin c. We humans are not able to produce this essential nutrient and require it via our food source.

The best way to get more vitamin c is to eat more fruits like the kiwi.

The high antioxidants in the kiwifruit help eliminate free radicals in our body which reduces the risk of cancer.

Protect Against Loss Of Vision

If you find your eyesight getting weaker as the years go by, incorporating more kiwifruit in your diet can help protect your vision.

The high levels of zeaxanthin and lutein in the kiwi help prevent or slow down macular degeneration of the eye.

For Expecting Mothers

Kiwis are rather high in folate which is an important component in the development of the foetus. Folate helps to support the healthy growth of the baby’s brain and spine.

Makes the perfect snack for mothers that are expecting.

Allergy Risk

Most people can consume a kiwifruit without any problem. However, there will be some who can be allergic to this fruit.

If you find yourself breaking out in rashes, having an itchy throat, vomiting or just feeling sick after eating one, stop all future consumption of the fruit.

Feeding Kiwi To Your Pets

Kiwi is a non-toxic fruit to most pets and can be given in small quantities as an occasional treat. One thing to note is that cats don’t really need vitamin C as their body can produce it. Furthermore, they don’t have the required enzymes like dogs to break down carbs from fruits so giving them fruit can cause tummy discomfort.

In general, the kiwifruit is safe for cats but you need to moderate the serving size and frequency.

How Much Kiwi Should I Eat Daily?

For the majority of us, one kiwifruit a day is more than enough for our vitamin c needs. If you need a higher dosage, taking a kiwi extract supplement might be better. Even though kiwis are low in calories, an overdose of the fruit can act as a laxative or cause other discomforts.

Remember to not cook the fruit as that will destroy many of the nutrients in the fruit.

A good way to get more kiwi in your daily diet is to have it for breakfast or in your salad throughout the day.


It is amazing how one small little fruit can be packed to the brim with so many health benefits. Even though it is considered a super fruit, you don’t have to start eating a large amount of it.

A couple of servings a day for most of us can have a beneficial effect on our health.

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