I Want To Get Rid Of My Dog But I Feel Bad (How To Overcome The Emotional Struggle)

I Want To Get Rid Of My Dog But I Feel Bad

For as long as I’ve had dogs in my life, they have always been a constant joy and comfort to be around. But they can also be a constant source of stress and frustration at times.

As much as we love our dogs, there will come a time when a dog owner can no longer responsibly care for the dog due to certain circumstances in life.

If your done has been with you for a while and there’s a bond, you can’t help but feel bad when the thought of getting rid of your dog enters your mind.

Should you even be feeling this way?

In this article, we will be discussing the options available when it comes to rehoming your dog to make the process easy and painless for you and your dog.

Should I Give Away My Dog?

I have to say that this wasn’t easy for me to write this post.

As a dog owner myself, I do feel a lot for you and your dog. My heart feels heavy knowing how hard it must be to make such a difficult decision.

We might not know each other personally but based on my conversation with a few dog owners who have rehomed their dogs before, it usually boils down to a few reasons.

This can be due to finances, relocation, anxiety issues, behavioral problems, unable to get along with other pets, the arrival of a new family member, etc.

For some, a sudden onset of allergic asthma due to having dog hair around the house can be a serious issue.

I know that circumstances in life can change which can greatly impact our ability to keep a dog.

Maybe you have a blind dog that can’t stop peeing in the house and your frustration is slowly transforming to blind rage towards your dog with frequent vocal outbursts at the confused dog.

But before you make that hard decision, I sincerely do hope that you consider all the possible avenues before making up your mind.

Try talking to your vet, other family members or a professional dog trainer about your dog’s behavior.

You might have an ‘ah-ha’ moment after that.

Truth be told, there are many times when I regret getting a dog or my cat or both of them.

But I know that negative emotion is born out of frustration at that point in time.

It could be due to my dog peeing on my carpet even after being house-trained or my cat leaving poop stains on my pillowcase.

Things will settle down. Don’t make a rash decision you might regret.

Should I Feel Bad About Getting Rid Of My Dog?

Having a dog is a lifelong commitment and it is our responsibility to ensure that they live their best life.

However, if you find that you are feeling overwhelmed and do not have the time and resources to provide your pet with the care that they need, it is important to explore finding them a new home.

By doing so, you will still be able to keep your promise of providing them with a loving home.

It won’t do anyone any good if having your dog around is going to affect your dog’s mental health as well as your mental health.

Some dog owners have started to resent their dogs and are easily triggered. If you are one of them, please do not smack your dog out of anger.

Your dog doesn’t deserve such treatment at all.

Your dog needs and deserves a chance to be happy, too.  If you can’t give it what it needs now and in the future, then it’s kinder to find someone who can.

As long as you’ve tried all avenues to accommodate your dog in your life, you don’t need anyone’s permission or validation to decide to rehome your dog.

If you know deep down in your gut that your dog will be happier in another home then it’s time to make plans to do so.

Don’t worry, you’re not the bad guy here. So don’t feel guilty and stop beating yourself up over it.

There are many forever homes out that love dogs and will be happy to have yours if you look hard enough.

How Do I Go About Rehoming My Dog?

There are quite a few options available to you when it comes to finding a new home for your dog.

But please know that finding a suitable home for your dog can take some time so don’t expect it to be done within a few hours.

There’s a right way and a wrong way when it comes to rehoming your dog.

One thing that you should never do is just abandon your dog somewhere and expect a kind soul to clear up your mess.

Leaving your dog in such a manner will only send its anxiety levels into hyperdrive.

Your dog isn’t a stray.

It doesn’t have the kind of street smarts that a stray has and can get itself into trouble or injured.

Please don’t ever do that.

Now that we are both on the same page, below are the available options that you can look into for your dog.

Start With Your Friend And Relatives

This would be the best option and people to hand over your dog to. Especially, if they know your dog well and your dog is comfortable with them.

Another great thing is that you know them personally and trust them to look after your dog well.

Post On Social Media

social media

You can easily find specific groups on Facebook or other social media platforms for rehoming dogs.

It is a virtual meeting place for people who are looking to rehome their dogs and for others who are looking to adopt.

If you have a dog with behavioral issues, you might be thinking why would anyone want such a dog?

The good thing is, that many do.

Someone could be looking for a specific breed or age and yours fits the bill perfectly.

All dogs are trainable. It just takes time and the correct technique.

Please do some due diligence on the family that is interested in adopting your dog.

At least visit their home to ensure that they are capable of providing a good life for your dog.

Contact A Rehoming Specialist

You may or may not have them in your area but certain organizations specialize in rescuing and rehoming dogs of specific breeds.

I’ve once heard of a group of people that only does it for pugs.

But you might get lucky and find one that does it for your dog breed.

Check With Your Vet

I kid you not when I say that your vet is a great pet networking resource. They work with many animal groups or know of people that might be interested in taking over your dog.

My vet is one of them.

Apparently, she told me that she ended up adopting 3 dogs and 2 cats from people who had to give up their pets.

There’s no guarantee that your vet is going to adopt your dog but at least he or she can point you in the right direction.

Consider The Animal Shelter

dogs at dog shelter

I know of dog owners who had to surrender their dogs to the animal shelter because they were in a rush to get rid of their dogs.

The animal shelter is a great place for dogs who have no home but it can also be a very scary and lonely place for them.

There’s no telling how long your dog will be in there, especially if it’s a senior dog.

If you need to surrender your dog to the shelter, please go down and take a look at the living conditions first. I have been to some shelters that have questionable practices.

And please make sure that it’s a no-kill shelter as well.

You do not want the shelter putting your dog to sleep after being there for a month.

Do Dogs Feel Sad When You Give Them Away?

sad dog

If the dog has been with its current household for some time, there will be a certain period of adjustment for the dog.

The longer the dog has been with its family, the longer it will take to get comfortable in its new home.

Dogs form bonds with their owners just like how people who care for each other do.

I have fostered a few dogs before and I could sense the dog’s sadness in saying goodbye when I dropped them off at their new home.

They also have some form of memory about things that have happened in their lives but are not as detailed as ours.

The good news is that dogs live very much in the moment. As long as your dog is getting a lot of love, attention and treats, it will settle in nicely after some time.

They will miss you especially if there’s a bond but they will move on. Dogs don’t have an understanding of the past and future.

Should I Visit My Dog After Rehoming?

There’s no problem in visiting your dog at its new home if the new owners are ok with it. But I do suggest giving your dog some time to get used to its new environment before doing so.

Although dogs live in the moment, your dog might wonder why you’re not taking it home whenever you visit.

Let your dog settle in first before dropping by for a visit

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