Why Do Cats Like Their Bum Patted? (The Booty Patootie Mystery Explained)

Why Do Cats Like Their Bum Patted?

Has your cat ever raised its tail high and demanded a friendly bum pat?  This peculiar cat behavior might seem painful for your cat but to your amazement, it is purring in delight.

This peculiar feline behavior often leaves cat owners curious and a bit perplexed.

This article will shed light on this intriguing feline characteristic and help you understand why your cat might appreciate an occasional pat on its backside.

Why Do Cats Like Butt Pats?

Most cat owners will admit that patting their cats on the bum isn’t something that they do frequently.

My cat does like the times when I give him a robust drumming around his bum area.

The cat’s butt is one area that is difficult for the cat to reach thoroughly. Therefore, any form of stimulation to the area is welcomed by the cat.

Here are some reasons that can explain your cat’s love for butt pats.

It Feels Good For Your Cat

Cats are sensitive creatures, not just emotionally but physically as well.

Petting your cat on its bum feels good due to having many nerve endings at the base of its tail.

Generally, a domesticated cat that is well-socialized likes to be touched.

Cats have almost four times more nerve endings in their nervous system as compared to humans.

A sensation that feels dull to us can feel very good or bad to your cat.

Petting your cat also sends a signal to the cat’s brain to release hormones like dopamine or oxytocin which makes your kitty feel good.

Cats aren’t programmed to be pack or herd animals like dogs but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy being shown some love.

Your Cat Wants A Butt Scratch

scratching cat on neck

Have you ever had an itch on that part of your back where it is just so hard to reach? It does feel good when someone scratches it for you.

The same goes for cats.

The bum area is a rather challenging area for most cats to reach.

When you start scratching or patting your cat’s butt, it will feel very good because you are scratching an itch that your cat can’t reach.

Cats also like it when you stroke them behind the head or under the chin as these are hard-to-reach areas as well for them.

Scratching your cat’s bum is a good way to let your cat know you’re its personal bum scratcher.

Your Cat Is Big On Bonding

When we think of bonding with pets, dogs often come to mind with their eagerness to please and overt displays of affection.

We as cat owners don’t really see this gesture with our feline companions due to their rather aloof and independent natures.

But rest assured that our cats enjoy bonding with us in their own unique and subtle ways.

A study conducted in 2019 has shown that domestic cats bond with their owners in the same way that is “surprisingly similar to infants”.

There are many ways that your cat can bond with you.

It is often done by rubbing against you, following you around, slow blinking at you, etc.

Allowing you to play the bongos on his bum could be another bonding act by your cat.

Your Cat Feels Like A Kitten Again

When your cat was a little kitten, it was normal for your cat to be regularly groomed by its mother from head to toe.

By patting your cat around its bum around, it reminds your cat of how good it felt to be taken care of by its mother.

The mother cat will even lick the anus of the kitten to encourage it to poo and clean up the cat once it is done.

Such actions between mother and kitten create a close bond between them.

Be glad that your cat now considers you as its feline mother with your butt pats.

Do you know that cats can’t really recognize their siblings or parents if they are separated for too long?

Your Cat Likes Physical Interaction

It might come as a surprise to some cat owners to know that our cats crave physical interaction from us, some more than others.

Physical touch makes a cat feel good and they enjoy being stroked at areas where their scent glands are.

It is a gravely misunderstood myth that cats do not enjoy being touched.

Even between feline counterparts, they will rub heads and groom each other to maintain physical contact.

My cat loves being stroked from head to tail when he sleeps. In fact, he purrs like a motorboat when i do that.

You just might have a cat that feels the same way when you give it bum pats.

Your Cat Likes To Feel Secure

at lying on grass feeling blissful

Any well adjusted pet would want to feel safe and secure with its owner and your cat is no different.

Cats are highly territorial animals that value their personal space and safety.

This somewhat strange act of enjoying a bum pat can indeed be a sign of your cat feeling safe and secure around you.

I highly doubt I can go up to any cat and give it a round of bum pats if there isn’t a good amount of trust between us.

My cat likes it when I gently tug on his long whiskers while he is napping.

This is another sensitive area for cats and many don’t like having their whiskers touched.

By allowing you to pat its bum, your cat is demonstrating a significant level of trust in you.

How Do I Give My Cat A Bum Pat?

If your cat isn’t used to being touched in such a way, please do not do so until you are sure your cat is fine with it.

The last thing you want happening is your cat lashing out at you for being a nuisance.

If you want to introduce some bum patting with your cat as a form of bonding, here’s what you can do.

  • Sit on the floor and let your cat come to you
  • Get your cat warmed up with some petting and stroking
  • Slowly pat your cat around its rear end and gauge its response
  • Stop immediately if your cat shows any signs of aggression or displeasure

If your cat is fine with it, don’t put your cat through a marathon bum-patting session.

A few minutes each time is more than enough to make your cat happy.

Don’t Be Too Rough With Your Cat

As much as your cat might enjoy having its butt, you don’t want to cross the line where it starts to be painful for the cat.

Don’t forget that cats have four times as many nerve endings as compared to us so any sensation felt feels amplified.

If for some reason your cat prefers you to use more force when patting its bum, cup your hands when you do it.

It softens the blow and it still feels good for the cat.

Doing it with your palms open might be too forceful on the cat.

Be careful to not overstimulate your cat as well.

Sensory overload for a cat might cause the cat to lash out with a quick swipe of its paw or a warning bite.

It’s not that your cat hates you but the overstimulation is making your cat feel uncomfortable.

Why Do Some Cats Not Like Their Butts Touched?

angry ginger cat

Even though most cats are fine having their butts touched, there will be a few that can get very defensive of that area.

It could be due to the cat not knowing and trusting you enough.

Unlike dogs who can run up to everyone for pets, cats are more selective.

Some cats have certain areas that they just don’t like being touched.

Be sure to respect the cat if it doesn’t like being touched in certain areas. Forcing it will result in you getting bitten or scratched.

Another important rule with cats is don’t touch the belly of cats that you are not familiar with. It is a very sensitive area for many cats.

Why Do Cats Lift Up Their Bums When Excited?

One strange behavior that your cat might show is to lift up its bum and show it to you when you’re stroking it.

I notice this happening more frequently when I pat my cat around his butt area.

Your Cat Likes And Trusts You

Cats don’t greet each other as humans do. They don’t or can’t go around hugging and shaking hands.

A cat’s way of greeting another cat is “I like you. You seem friendly. Sniff my butt?”

It would be tremendously weird and rude for humans to greet each other this way due to how our culture and society has evolved.

But for cats, communication through scent and smell is a major way for them as they don’t have the type of memory structure as us to visually recognize another cat as friendly.

Therefore cats greet each other by sniffing each other’s bum.

But why the butt though?

This is because cats have a pair of scent glands located near the opening of their anus. Each cat has its own unique scent signature that is expressed via its scent glands.

Therefore by engaging in some butt sniffing, it is a way for cats to say hello or identify a fellow feline friend.

Cat communication also involves a cat’s tail.

When you see two friendly cats about to greet each other, they each have their tail straight up high as if saying “I’m comfortable around you.”

A Female Cat Might Be In Heat

If you pat the butt of a female cat who is not spayed, you might be sending her the wrong signal, which is you’re ready to mate.

Her lifting up her butt towards you is her way of signaling to a roaming tom that she is in heat and wants to mate.

If you don’t wish for your cat to be displaying such frisky behavior around you, it’s best to get her spayed.

Sterilizing your cat does have its pros and cons but I honestly do feel that fixing your cat brings about a better quality of life in the long run.


Just like humans, cats have their own likes and dislikes. There are some cats that even enjoy being spun round and round till they get dizzy. And the funny thing is that they still come back for more.

Cats love being petted and touched by people if they are well socialized.

It also feels good for us when we make contact with an animal. It helps to reduce our stress levels and make us happy.

So the next time you see a cat, make sure to give it a few butt pats. It could be something that the cat has been yearning for a long time.


Why Does My Cat Put Its Bum On Me?

This peculiar cat behavior is actually a compliment. Your cat is demonstrating trust and comfort by exposing its rear end to you. It’s a positive sign of your cat’s affection.

Why Do Cats Like To Be Patted At The Base Of Their Tails?

Cats enjoy being patted at the base of their tails because it’s a hard-to-reach area filled with nerve endings. When you pat this spot, it stimulates these nerves and can produce a pleasurable feeling for your cat.

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